Monday, August 19, 2013

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Saturday, August 3, 2013

A portion of my comments at a rally to oppose a ballot measure restricting medical procedures for women.

From the Albuquerque Journal Page 3 - 8/3/13

Proposal foes launch campaign
By Dan McKay
   Journal Staff Writer
   Opponents of a proposal to restrict abortions in Albuquerque launched their campaign this week with a news conference at La Mesa Presbyterian Church.
   About 80 people turned out, some holding signs that said, “respect ABQ women.”
   Rabbi Harry Rosenfeld of Congregation Albert said “there are lines you don’t cross,” and one of them is the government telling a woman when she can have a medical procedure, he said. “Do I choose to follow the tenets of my 
faith, or will the government tell me that the tenets of my faith are secondary to the tenets of another faith on which it’s decided to base its laws?” he asked. ”It’s absurd.”
   Activists have gathered thousands of petition signatures in hopes of getting an ordinance limiting abortions on the fall ballot. The proposal would ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, with narrow exceptions for when the life of the woman is in danger.
   It’s called the “Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Ordinance.” The city clerk hasn’t determined yet whether enough of the signatures are valid to move the proposal forward to voters.